Fish Recipes Linking Eating Disorders And Suicidal Thoughts

Eating Disorders And Suicidal ThoughtsDepression is normal and natural, but not for prolonged periods of time, and definitely not when it frequently occurs as in chronically. There are aspects linking the chemistry of the body and the brain to chemical and hormonal imbalances, both of which may be the result of the kind of diet the depressed person has. Diets which are unhealthy, like those which encourage the production of substances, and enzymes that are inflammatory in nature impact negatively on brain cells and overall function of neurotransmitters. Recent research showed that a diet rich in fish recipes and other seafoods healthy recipes can help prevent depression leading to suicidal thoughts. Surveys, in fact, have shown that a country whose population eats more fish has a generally lowered incidence of depression.

The Omega-3 amino acids are termed “essential fatty acids” mainly because, unlike other substances required by the body, these cannot be produced within and therefore need to be ingested through diets. Fish oil is richest in sardines, pilchards, trout, mackerel, herring in tuna, albeit the fresh variety and not the tinned one. Individuals whose ages are between 65 and 94 who know how to cook salmon and consume it at least twice a week have been shown to develop dementia or Alzheimer’s 25% less than their counterparts who did not consume salmon or any other kind of seafood.

The Anti-Depression Agents EPA and DHA

There is evidence that eicosapentanoic acid or EPA and docosohexanoic acid or DHA, two crucial types of Omega-3, significantly act as natural antidotes for depression, with EPA being the more potent of the two.

While many species of fish contain both DHA and EPA, salmon has the highest content, a fact which may explain that eating around 8 to 10 ounces of salmon a week can be beneficial to the brain.

What Omega-3’s in Fish Oil Can Do

Although studies prove only the association between consumption of fatty acids found in fish and lowered risks of certain neurological conditions, and not cases of cause and effect of fish in diets, Omega-3 fats do have health benefits.

Recent study trials evaluating the benefits of Omega-3 rich diets concluded that these fatty acids help in the reduction of depressive symptoms by a whopping average of 53%. This may be the result of the capability of Omega-3’s to build receptor sites crucial to the brain’s neurotransmitters, and its neuronal cell connections.

Combating Depression which can Lead to Suicidal ThoughtsHealthy Fish Recipes

Oily fish consumption can be supplemented by ingesting Omega-3 health supplements in the form of fish oil capsules. Although tuna’s high mercury content has made it recommendable for consumption only for thrice a month, other fish varieties have the go-signal to be enjoyed at least twice weekly such as salmon, kipper, anchovy, sardines, mackerel, and trout.

To help combat depression that may lead to suicidal thoughts, a dosage of EPA at 1,000 milligrams is advised to help boost positive moods. Simply put, those suffering or tend to suffer from depression, or already have existing suicidal thoughts, would do well to ingest a 500 milligram-fish oil supplement twice daily while continuing to eat at least a serving of fish twice or thrice a week.
